The most important women in the life of Donald Trump have made him a huge success. So much that he is today the President of USA. His relation with Kellyanne Conway, Melania Trump, Hope Hicks and his daughter Ivanka Trump has made headlines always but what importance do these stunning women have in his life. Let’s discuss
Donald Trump relation with Melania Trump
Donald Trump met Melania Trump long back and this attraction turned into marriage on January 22, 2005. Melania Trump has been a strong support for him and encouraged him to run for the President as she claimed that she knew her husband can do good for the American people as he loved them. However, unlike other first ladies, she was not actively involved in the campaign.

Melania Trump took the role as the FLOTUS on January 30 and she plans on helping the women and children and working to the maximum for this while her husband Donald Trump serves the USA. President has been in for many criticisms from the time he was nominated to even after winning the elections and one of the causes for it has been his tweets. Well, Melania revealed how she rebukes him all the time about it but then she also agrees that Trump does what he wants at the end of the day.
FLOTUS isn’t in the White House but lives in their penthouse apartment at the Trump tower where she has all the facilities including a personal chef and assistant with her only son Barron Trump.
Donald Trump relation with Ivanka Trump
After his wife, Donald Trump is especially fond of his eldest daughter Ivanka Trump who is his child from his first wife Ivana Trump. Ivanka Trump who is married to real estate developer Jared Kushner and has three children with him namely; Arabella Kushner, Joseph Kushner, and Theodore Kushner.

Ivanka was actively seen doing all the duties and helping her father in the campaigns. Right from speech to social media promotions, Ivanka was just by his side like an ideal daughter. Even now Ivanka is helping her father; Donald Trump while her husband Jared Kushner serves Donald as a special counselor. It is considered that Jared played a huge role in the digital marketing of Trump’s campaign making him one of the prominent reasons of Trump’s win.
Donald Trump relation with Kellyanne Conway
Kellyanne Conway is now the counselor to the President Donald Trump and is serving the White House but before that, she served Trump as the Campaign Manager. Kellyanne who owns a polling company herself was hugely responsible for Donald Trump’s win. Not just that Trump too doesn’t deny the fact that a large part of his win in the election was all because of Kellyanne Conway.
Kellyanne who is married to George T Conway has four kids with him and the lady is considered a superwoman for managing her household and professional life so well.

Donald Trump relation with Hope Hicks
Hope Hicks is considered as the right hand for President Trump. Hope is the youngest in the Trump administration but she probably handles the most complicated works with ease. This is also the reason she is the favorite of President. The 28-year-old strategic communications director has accompanied Trump in all his major works and events. Hicks is a workaholic afterall she suffered a breakup after being enrolled in Trump campaign.
One reason for Trump’s special liking for her could be the fact that he sees himself in her as she is one of the employees of Trump working for him so well without any prior political experience.

Well, one thing we can be clear here that although the world considers Trump as anti-feminist we can’t deny the fact that the most important people in Trumps lives are his leading ladies. President does seem to be quite fond of each one