Last updated on April 20th, 2020 at 04:41 pm
The coronavirus disease or simply known as COVID-19 is a world pandemic. It has caused a disastrous effect in modern human civilization. People have started staying at home for prevention. The whole world is in danger and the virus has, in fact, made a huge threat for humans as well as other animals. Coronavirus is considered to be easily spread which is why people in many countries have been dying every day. The consequences are seen as dangerous. Even the World Health Organization (WHO) wants every people to stand together by just staying at their own homes. This is the only prevention we can do. There is no medical treatment which is why support and isolation of the victim for not spreading to others is only the choice.
More than 40 thousand people are reported dead after being affected by this virus worldwide. The major countries suffering from the COVID-19 are the USA, China, Italy, Iran, and mostly the European countries. Now, the virus has spread over 180 countries and has caused a huge pandemic. The major symptoms are fever, cough, and difficulty in breathing. It is advised to stay at home. And if such symptoms persist then, one is advised to go to the hospital and stay in quarantine immediately.
COVID-19 recent update in the USA:

On March 28, the US government announced that there have been a total of more than 100,000 positive cases for the COVID-19 in the USA. In fact, as of the report of April 19, 2020, the United States is the first country to receive the total positive cases of over 770,076. This number is more than countries like China, Spain, Italy, UK, etc. A total number of 41,316 people have already been reported dead. However, 71,489 people have already been recovered from this deadly disease. Just a couple of weeks ago, the total number of positive cases in the USA was in thousand and nearly 500 people had lost their life. In a week’s time, more than 65 thousand new cases were reported. Along with the increase in the death toll. This shows how dangerous is the new coronavirus disease.
The US government has established its own website regarding the COVID-19 so that people can take care of themselves and check the symptoms if they have it. It has also been predicted that positive cases might increase. And there might be more people dying of this deadly virus.
According to a popular American actress, Alyssa Milano, President Donald Trump is the right person who can help the victims suffering from COVID-19. She says that the president should convert his hotels into hospitals for a certain period of time. The USA is lacking beds as the positive case seems to rise continuously. According to her, if the hotels are converted into hospitals then, many patients will be treated well.
Coronavirus and President Donald Trump:
Since the very beginning of the Trump Era, Donald Trump has been raised severe questions regarding his presidency. He is called selfish by most of the American citizens and with the coronavirus outbreak, Donald Trump has in fact been the most lethal president in the whole world. Trump took the virus very leniently in the beginning. And even after the cases have been reported to more than 100,000, he seems not to be bothered at all. He has clearly blamed the foreigners and has taken no action in such a chaotic situation. On top of it, he has even been regarded as the worst person to handle this coronavirus crisis. However, his governmental team has created awareness and asked people to stay at home. This doesn’t mean there has been lockdown in The USA.

Donald Trump seems to be more concerned about the economy rather than the health of his people. Finally, it seems Donald Trump has taken this threat seriously and has locked down some of the states where the impact of coronavirus is the most. It is necessary for him to lock down the entire country during this crisis. Even he has taken suggestions with Chinese President Xi Jinping. Also, Trump has signed a package of $2.2trillion to provide economic relief amid the coronavirus outbreak.