Donald Trump and Khizr Khan debacle continues. While Trump is not at all bothered Khizr Khan and his wife Ghazala seek an apology. Amidst all of this a new trend is taking rounds- #CanYouHearUsNow.

It’s not been more than 72 hours that Donald Trump is all over the news yet again.No surprises there that the Republican party candidate for the US presidential election 2016 has stirred a new controversy, but this time many have not shied away in saying that the last 72 hours have been the worst possible days of Trump’s life.

In the news for giving back to Khizr Khan and his wife after talking about his dead son Humayun Khan; Trump faced a major counterblast from everywhere because of his opinion. However, all of it was not initiated by Trump. Not at all.

Khizr Khan in Democratic National Convention 2016’s speech of his mentioned how Trump is not a person who has ever made a sacrifice in his life. Giving his statement to this Trump talked about working hard daily to achieve his goals and in a way sacrificing a bit of him everyday. The major news that hits the screens more was how Trump noticed about Ghazala Khan; wife of Khizr Khan doesn’t speak a word at the convention.

It definitely was not Donald’s day because Ghazala Khan spoke up and the consequences are both good and bad.

Muslim women speak by using #CanYouHearUsNow

Islam and the setbacks it has laid out for a woman are not something the world is oblivious of. The women have a certain rule to follow every time. With the world evolving and seeing the face of new developments the thinking is changing too but still something amiss as the woman did not come out all in open talking freely. Good or bad we are yet to decide, but as an angst towards Donald Trump the women  are finally speaking. Not just are they speaking Twitter is flooded with the hashtag #CanYouHearUsNow.

In addition, this has all triggered a reverse mechanism and thanking Trump can be an option- because from now on the women are going to speak out loud and clear giving up on their inhibitions. Men and husbands are definitely letting their wife speak from now on, after all, anything just to prove Trump wrong.

Republicans don’t like Donald Trump’s comment

The Republicans DO NOT approve of Donald Trump’s comment and opinion at all. Trump’s previous feuds with the people make it clear ; he is obviously not their favourite person.Facing a backlash from his own members Trump, however, is least bothered with simply anything but Khizr Khan.

“Mr. Khan, who does not know me, viciously attacked me from the stage of the DNC and is now all over T.V. doing the same – Nice!” Trump said least bothered about anything and doing his job like just another day.

Will Donald Trump apologize?

Now the biggest question is that in all this hullabaloo Khizr Khan and his wife have demanded an apology from Donald Trump. Not that the opinion and what others think is on the priority list of Donald Trump; it has never been but the question lies will Donald Trump apologize? Even though the answer is very clear to this the hidden irony behind one action of Trump bringing a big change like this is commendable.

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