Last updated on January 21st, 2017 at 04:01 pm
Barron Trump is the youngest son of the President-elect real estate mogul Donald Trump. He is just 10 years old and has been facing a lot of gossip due to the speculation about him being autistic. James Hunter posted a YouTube video on November 11, 2016 which first created the controversy. However, by now, the speculation has been confirmed with an absolute ‘No’ from Barron Trump’s mother Melania Trump and the lawyer from Harder & Harder. However, the question still remains: Is Barron Trump really autistic?

According to the Autism Center, autism is a pervasive developmental disorder that involves abnormal development and function of the brain. If we go by the definition, then Barron Trump would probably have to be publicly tested for autism before calling him autistic. However, some of the past footages show some signs of autism in him.
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The video footage of Republican National Committee showed Barron Trump erratically moving his hands to clap. On top of that, the hands were not even touching each other. Well, that could be a reason. But, was he rather feeling lazy or was he finding it difficult to clap? At the same convention, Barron was seen making unusual movements typical among the people with autism.

One of the reasons people gave was that he seemed anti-social while on the stage at RNC. What would you expect a 10-year-old kid to be like when exposed in front of hundreds of people? Obviously, you wouldn’t expect him to start smiling and making a speech. However, it’s evidently agreeable on the point that Barron wobbles while walking.

An important justification to Barron’s Autism could be the age of Donald Trump when Melania conceived Barron. Scientifically, the children from the old aged people are more vulnerable to abnormalities. Perhaps, Barron might be autistic as his father was 60 years old when he was born. However, it just remains a mere possibility yet.