Last updated on June 8th, 2018 at 10:59 am
Kellyanne Conway is a professional pollster and the current campaign manager of the President-elect Donald Trump. Prior to the dawn of 2016 election, Conway was very little-known. So, here are some of the unknown facts about her.

Brought up by four women
As Conway told Newsmax, she was brought up four women: her mom, grandmother, and her mom’s two sisters. She never had a fruitful relationship with her father as he abandoned the family when she just 3 years old. Hence, Conway’s mother raised her in an Italian Catholic background.
Kellyanne is a pageant winner
To economically support herself, Conway used to work on a blueberry farm. This work experience won her a New Jersey Blueberry Princess pageant in 1982 and then a World Championship in Blueberry Packing subsequently.
She went to Oxford
Conway has an appealing education history. She did her undergraduate degree in political science at Trinity College, DC. Reportedly, she also attended the reputed English university, Oxford. Moreover, Conway also acquires a law degree from George Washington Law Center.
Conway was once in a relationship with Senator Fred Thompson
Prior to marrying George T. Conway III in 2001, Kellyanne was reportedly dating the Tennesse Senator Fred Thompson who died in 2015. Now, Conway is happily married for one and a half decade with four children. Interestingly, two of her children are twins. They are named Claudia and George. Both of them turned 12 this year.
Kellyanne supported Ted Cruz
Kellyanne Conway was working for the Republican candidate Ted Cruz, prior to joining the Make America Great Again Political Action Committee in August. She even made a personal donation of $5400 to Ted Cruz super PAC.
Pro-immigration Conway
It’s surprising to see how Kellyanne suddenly changed from pro-immigration to almost anti-immigration within two years. In 2014, she was the one who co-authored the memo that designed a way to giving citizenship to all the illegal worker. However, now, she is working for someone who wants to deport all of those 11 million undocumented workers.
Kellyanne – not a fan of Mitt Romney
Even though Trump was hugely criticized by Romney throughout the election, he considered Romney for the Secretary of State. On this move, Conway was vividly critical. Her Twitter read – ‘Receiving deluge of social media & private comms re Romney Some Trump loyalists warn against Romney as sec of state’
Receiving deluge of social media & private comms re: Romney Some Trump loyalists warn against Romney as sec of state
— Kellyanne Conway (@KellyannePolls) November 24, 2016
In the same way, Conway also said to CNN that the people might feel betrayed if Trump gives Romney the position.
She is an author as well
Besides working on the political side, Kellyanne, in 2005, wrote a book titled What Women Really Want: How American Women Are Quietly Erasing Political, Racial, Class, and Religious Lines to Change the Way We Li

PHOTOS: Kellyanne Conway in Bikini