Donna Walker is the current First Lady of Alaska and wife of incumbent Alaskan Governor Bill Walker. She has held the office since December 1, 2014 as the successor of Sean Parnell’s wife Sandra Scebold.
Early Life and Education
Although born in Anniston, Alabama, Donna Walker grew up in Kailua, Hawaii. Completing her high school from a local institution, she joined San Diego University for undergraduate studies.
Personal Life
Donna Walker is married to the current Alaskan Governor Bill Walker. They have been together since 1977 and have four children: Jordan, Lindsay, Tessa and Adam Walker. The Walker family also has four grandchildren.

After graduating from San Diego University, Walker once had a job as Parks and Recreation Director in the city of Valdez. During that period, she met Bill and married him a few years later.

As hobby, Donna Walker likes skiing, sitting by the lake and enjoying family dinners.
As an undergraduate degree holder, Walker moved to Alaska in 1976 to work as recreation director in one of the construction camps at Tran-Alaska Oil Pipeline. Later, she traveled to Valdez to take up the position of director of Parks and Recreation. Likewise, Walker also joined the Alyeska Pipeline Service Company as its community relations director.
As the couple – Donna and Bill Walker – married in 1977, they got increasingly attracted towards law practice in Alaska. As a result, both of them entered Sound Law School at the University of Puget and subsequently graduated together in 1983. Then, as a law graduate, Walker ventured into government job as a municipal law practitioner. At that time, she had the utmost family responsibility of raising four children as well.

Besides law career, Walker was highly involved in non-profitable activities. At some point, she was a caseworker at the Office of Children’s Services. Donna’s philanthropist works took a toll as her husband assumed the office of Governor in 2014. As Alaskan First Lady, Donna Walker is primarily focused on the wellbeing of Alaskan families and children and promotion of Alaskan diverse culture. Involved in Alaska Children’s Trust for a long time, Walker was appointed as its Honorary Chair. Likewise, in order to fulfill her objective of promoting Alaskan culture, she devised a proposal titled ‘Bridge Builders of Anchorage’.
Donald Trump and Donna Walker
Although President Trump and Governor Walker have some contrasting similarities and differences, Donna Walker and Trump have not commented on each other yet. Hence, it’s hard to define the political relationship between the Alaskan First Lady and US President Donald Trump.