Vice President Mike pence is in the spotlight right now. He’s been media target since Donald Trump picked him as a presidential running mate. Mike with his wife Karen Pence are the parents of three children Mike Jr., Charlotte Pence and Audrey Pence.
Today we are going to provide you the facts about Mike Pence’s oldest daughter Charlotte Pence. She is a writer and filmmaker who is also interested in his father’s political campaign and politics.
So, these are the facts you need to know about Charlotte Pence.
Charlotte Pence is a Film maker
Charlotte, age 24 is currently a growing name in film industry. The documentary “For the Records” which is about the mental illness and the struggle of the patient was also directed by Charlotte with other directors. She wrote the script and even co-produced the documentary “Fleeced” winning nine Emmy Awards.
She was also featured in PSA video about texting while driving.
Texting While Driving from Arlington Career Center Media on Vimeo.
She Volunteered on an Organic Vegetable Farm

Charlotte Pence is the kind who like to live outside the box. Her resume states that “she volunteer in the organic vegetable farm called “La Era De Oxox Farm” in Ojos, Spain. There she prepared orders and even delivered to the families who needed service. Besides that she painted the roofs, learned to cultivate farms, cared horses and chicken, and also planted trees.
Charlotte Pence Wrote a Column Called “An American at Oxford”
My children played a big role in today’s #INFirstLadysLuncheon. Thanks Charlotte, Audrey & Michael!
— Karen Pence (@FirstLadyIN) April 30, 2014
Besides her interest in film making she is a great writer. Charlotte wrote the column titled “An American at Oxford” and gaining experiences in highly reputed Oxford.
Once she wrote “it is clear to me that the most inspired I have been while here has not been reading texts by people long gone, but rather it has been the same thing those famed writers and philosophers found inspiring in their own lives: the people”
Her article on Thought Catalog titled “Believing in God and Other 21st Century Burdens”; she describes faith and the difficulty to describe the faith to the naïve and misled people.
She says “I cannot accept a humanity that does not possess any kind of curiosity about God, because with curiosity, then at least we were getting somewhere.”
Charlotte is very close to her family and siblings

It’s a well-known fact that Pence family has very different political views but despite that their relationship is very strong. Her younger sister Audrey is liberal as she claims. Look at this twitter post.
Her Sense of Humor is Great
And my phone just corrected “Kant” to “Kanye” and that is what’s wrong with the world, folks.
— Charlotte Pence (@charlipence) January 7, 2014
She’s been inactive in her twitter account since 2016. But her previous tweets can make you sure that she’s got some good sense of humor. Her political family should take her humor as an asset because presidency can be very very stressful.
To the person whistling the Hunger Games tune out my window and to the person responding down the street: You are why I love Boys Town.
— Charlotte Pence (@charlipence) January 13, 2014
Attention NU Students: I am not a freshman moving in today, contrary to my confused facial expression and unnaturally small physique
— Charlotte Pence (@charlipence) August 30, 2013