Susan Burrell Hutchinson is the current First Lady of Arkansas who automatically assumed office on January 13, 2015 as her husband Asa Hutchinson succeeded Mike Beebe as Governor of Arkansas. As per Arkansas Governor’s official website, Susan Hutchinson ‘brings to the Governor’s Mansion a lifetime of experience advocating for and working with children’.

Early Life and Education

Susan Hutchinson was born in Atlanta. Growing up with six other siblings and completing early education from Fulton High School, she went to Bob Jones University.

Personal Life

At Bob Jones University, young Asa Hutchinson was a witty debater. This same quality continuously attracted Susan towards Asa. Susan recalls, “He sat across the table from me at the evening meal and carried on a conversation right away, asking me questions…2 weeks from graduation. He was actually dating someone else. I thought ‘she’s not the one for him…I am.’” Thereafter, Susan appeared in Asa’s debates several times and finally started dating. As Asa joined the University of Arkansas for post-graduate degree in law, Susan commenced teaching. However, they continued dating.

Susan and Asa married each other in 1973 and have been together ever since. The Hutchinson couple has four children: John, Seth, Asa III and Sarah Hutchinson. They also have five grandchildren.


Graduating from Bob Jones University, Hutchinson started teaching at a school in Memphis. Besides teaching, she has a long history and expert experience of working with children from different backgrounds. Prior to joining her husband as First Lady in Governor’s Mansion, Susan Hutchinson was a board member of Children’s Advocacy Center of Benton County. While at such a position, Hutchinson played her role to support physically and sexually abused children.

As Susan Hutchinson became Arkansas’ First Lady, her aspirations and hopes have become bigger, stronger and inspirational. She aspires to set up Children’s Advocacy Centers in every county in Arkansas. Likewise, she wants to bring a change in the education system by encouraging educators to include music in children’s daily lives. As a passionate piano player herself, Hutchinson believes playing musical instruments to be crucial for children’s wellbeing. Hence, she aims to incline all Arkansas education strategies towards arts.

As First Lady, she is a member of Arkansas Symphony Orchestra, a group which promotes and preserves music. Likewise, Hutchinson is involved with the Museum of Discovery to protect ancient science and technology. Also, she has committed herself to support health of children via Arkansas Children’s Hospital. American Hearth Foundation and Alzheimer’s Foundation of America are two other organizations which have been philanthropic platforms for Hutchinson.

Susan Hutchinson and Donald Trump

Looking at the past works, Donald Trump is a believer in the top-down approach to development, while Susan Hutchinson believes in grassroots development. With two opposing non-political views, President Trump and Arkansas First Lady Susan Hutchinson might be expected to clash when it comes to approaches to development. However, so far, they haven’t had any instances of confrontation.

On the other hand, in regard to women abuse case against Donald Trump, Susan tried to defend him by saying that Trump was a democrat when he passed those comments. At the same interview, she mentioned that former President Bill Clinton defined such an act.



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